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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Programming the AdLib/Sound Blaster
- FM Music Chips
- Version 2.0 (24 Feb 1992)
- Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 by Jeffrey S. Lee
- jlee@smylex.uucp
- Warranty and Copyright Policy
- This document is provided on an "as-is" basis, and its author makes
- no warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect to
- its quality performance or fitness for a particular purpose. In no
- event will the author of this document be liable for direct, indirect,
- special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use
- or inability to use the information contained within. Use of this
- document is at your own risk.
- This file may be used and copied freely so long as the applicable
- copyright notices are retained, and no modifications are made to the
- text of the document. No money shall be charged for its distribution
- beyond reasonable shipping, handling and duplication costs, nor shall
- proprietary changes be made to this document so that it cannot be
- distributed freely. This document may not be included in published
- material or commercial packages without the written consent of its
- author.
- Overview
- Two of the most popular sound cards for the IBM-PC, the AdLib and the
- Sound Blaster, suffer from a real dearth of clear documentation for
- programmers. AdLib Inc. and Creative Labs, Inc. both sell developers'
- kits for their sound cards, but these are expensive, and (in the case
- of the Sound Blaster developers' kit) can be extremely cryptic.
- This document is intended to provide programmers with a FREE source
- of information about the programming of these sound cards.
- The information contained in this document is a combination of
- information found in the Sound Blaster Software Developer's Kit, and
- that learned by painful experience. Some of the information may not
- be valid for AdLib cards; if this is so, I apologize in advance.
- Please note that numbers will be given in hexadecimal, unless otherwise
- indicated. If a number is written out longhand (sixteen instead of 16)
- it is in decimal.
- | Changes from Version 1 of the file will be indicated by the use of change
- | bars in the left-hand margin.
- Chapter One - Sound Card I/O
- The sound card is programmed by sending data to its internal registers
- via its two I/O ports:
- 0388 (hex) - Address/Status port (R/W)
- 0389 (hex) - Data port (W/O)
- | The Sound Blaster Pro is capable of stereo FM music, which is accessed
- | in exactly the same manner. Ports 0220 and 0221 (hex) are the address/
- | data ports for the left speaker, and ports 0222 and 0223 (hex) are the
- | ports for the right speaker. Ports 0388 and 0389 (hex) will cause both
- | speakers to output sound.
- The sound card possesses an array of two hundred forty-four registers;
- to write to a particular register, send the register number (01-F5) to
- the address port, and the desired value to the data port.
- After writing to the register port, you must wait twelve cycles before
- sending the data; after writing the data, eighty-four cycles must elapse
- before any other sound card operation may be performed.
- | The AdLib manual gives the wait times in microseconds: three point three
- | (3.3) microseconds for the address, and twenty-three (23) microseconds
- | for the data.
- |
- | The most accurate method of producing the delay is to read the register
- | port six times after writing to the register port, and read the register
- | port thirty-five times after writing to the data port.
- The sound card registers are write-only.
- The address port also functions as a sound card status byte. To
- retrieve the sound card's status, simply read port 388. The status
- byte has the following structure:
- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
- | both | tmr | tmr | unused |
- | tmrs | 1 | 2 | |
- +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
- Bit 7 - set if either timer has expired.
- 6 - set if timer 1 has expired.
- 5 - set if timer 2 has expired.
- Chapter Two - The Registers
- The following table shows the function of each register in the sound
- card. Registers will be explained in detail after the table. Registers
- not listed are unused.
- Address Function
- ------- ----------------------------------------------------
- 01 Test LSI / Enable waveform control
- 02 Timer 1 data
- 03 Timer 2 data
- 04 Timer control flags
- 08 Speech synthesis mode / Keyboard split note select
- 20..35 Amp Mod / Vibrato / EG type / Key Scaling / Multiple
- 40..55 Key scaling level / Operator output level
- 60..75 Attack Rate / Decay Rate
- 80..95 Sustain Level / Release Rate
- A0..A8 Frequency (low 8 bits)
- B0..B8 Key On / Octave / Frequency (high 2 bits)
- BD AM depth / Vibrato depth / Rhythm control
- C0..C8 Feedback strength / Connection type
- E0..F5 Wave Select
- The groupings of twenty-two registers (20-35, 40-55, etc.) have an odd
- order due to the use of two operators for each FM voice. The following
- table shows the offsets within each group of registers for each operator.
- Channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- Operator 1 00 01 02 08 09 0A 10 11 12
- Operator 2 03 04 05 0B 0C 0D 13 14 15
- Thus, the addresses of the attack/decay bytes for channel 3 are 62 for
- the first operator, and 65 for the second. (The address of the second
- operator is always the address of the first operator plus three).
- To further illustrate the relationship, the addresses needed to control
- channel 5 are:
- 29 - Operator 1 AM/VIB/EG/KSR/Multiplier
- 2C - Operator 2 AM/VIB/EG/KSR/Multiplier
- 49 - Operator 1 KSL/Output Level
- 4C - Operator 2 KSL/Output Level
- 69 - Operator 1 Attack/Decay
- 6C - Operator 2 Attack/Decay
- 89 - Operator 1 Sustain/Release
- 8C - Operator 2 Sustain/Release
- A4 - Frequency (low 8 bits)
- B4 - Key On/Octave/Frequency (high 2 bits)
- C4 - Feedback/Connection Type
- E9 - Operator 1 Waveform
- EC - Operator 2 Waveform
- Explanations of Registers
- Byte 01 - This byte is normally used to test the LSI device. All bits
- should normally be zero. Bit 5, if enabled, allows the FM
- chips to control the waveform of each operator.
- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- | unused | WS | unused |
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- Byte 02 - Timer 1 Data. If Timer 1 is enabled, the value in this
- register will be incremented until it overflows. Upon
- overflow, the sound card will signal a TIMER interrupt
- (INT 08) and set bits 7 and 6 in its status byte. The
- value for this timer is incremented every eighty (80)
- microseconds.
- Byte 03 - Timer 2 Data. If Timer 2 is enabled, the value in this
- register will be incremented until it overflows. Upon
- overflow, the sound card will signal a TIMER interrupt
- (INT 08) and set bits 7 and 5 in its status byte. The
- value for this timer is incremented every three hundred
- twenty (320) microseconds.
- Byte 04 - Timer Control Byte
- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- | IRQ | T1 | T2 | unused | T2 | T1 |
- | RST | MSK | MSK | | CTL | CTL |
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- bit 7 - Resets the flags for timers 1 & 2. If set,
- all other bits are ignored.
- bit 6 - Masks Timer 1. If set, bit 0 is ignored.
- bit 5 - Masks Timer 2. If set, bit 1 is ignored.
- bit 1 - When clear, Timer 2 does not operate.
- When set, the value from byte 03 is loaded into
- Timer 2, and incrementation begins.
- bit 0 - When clear, Timer 1 does not operate.
- When set, the value from byte 02 is loaded into
- Timer 1, and incrementation begins.
- Byte 08 - CSM Mode / Keyboard Split.
- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- | CSM | Key | unused |
- | sel | Spl | |
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- bit 7 - When set, selects composite sine-wave speech synthesis
- mode (all KEY-ON bits must be clear). When clear,
- selects FM music mode.
- bit 6 - Selects the keyboard split point (in conjunction with
- the F-Number data). The documentation in the Sound
- Blaster manual is utterly incomprehensible on this;
- I can't reproduce it without violating their copyright.
- Bytes 20-35 - Amplitude Modulation / Vibrato / Envelope Generator Type /
- Keyboard Scaling Rate / Modulator Frequency Multiple
- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- | Amp | Vib | EG | KSR | Modulator Frequency |
- | Mod | | Typ | | Multiple |
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- bit 7 - Apply amplitude modulation when set; AM depth is
- controlled by the AM-Depth flag in address BD.
- bit 6 - Apply vibrato when set; vibrato depth is controlled
- by the Vib-Depth flag in address BD.
- bit 5 - When set, the sustain level of the voice is maintained
- until released; when clear, the sound begins to decay
- immediately after hitting the SUSTAIN phase.
- bit 4 - Keyboard scaling rate. This is another incomprehensible
- bit in the Sound Blaster manual. From experience, if
- this bit is set, the sound's envelope is foreshortened as
- it rises in pitch.
- bits 3-0 - These bits indicate which harmonic the operator will
- produce sound (or modulation) in relation to the voice's
- specified frequency:
- 0 - one octave below
- 1 - at the voice's specified frequency
- 2 - one octave above
- 3 - an octave and a fifth above
- 4 - two octaves above
- 5 - two octaves and a major third above
- 6 - two octaves and a fifth above
- 7 - two octaves and a minor seventh above
- 8 - three octaves above
- 9 - three octaves and a major second above
- A - three octaves and a major third above
- B - " " " " " " "
- C - three octaves and a fifth above
- D - " " " " " "
- E - three octaves and a major seventh above
- F - " " " " " " "
- Bytes 40-55 - Level Key Scaling / Total Level
- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- | Scaling | Total Level |
- | Level | 24 12 6 3 1.5 .75 | <-- dB
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- bits 7-6 - causes output levels to decrease as the frequency
- rises:
- 00 - no change
- 10 - 1.5 dB/8ve
- 01 - 3 dB/8ve
- 11 - 6 dB/8ve
- bits 5-0 - controls the total output level of the operator.
- all bits CLEAR is loudest; all bits SET is the
- softest. Don't ask me why.
- Bytes 60-75 - Attack Rate / Decay Rate
- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- | Attack | Decay |
- | Rate | Rate |
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- bits 7-4 - Attack rate. 0 is the slowest, F is the fastest.
- bits 3-0 - Decay rate. 0 is the slowest, F is the fastest.
- Bytes 80-95 - Sustain Level / Release Rate
- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- | Sustain Level | Release |
- | 24 12 6 3 | Rate |
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- bits 7-4 - Sustain Level. 0 is the loudest, F is the softest.
- bits 3-0 - Release Rate. 0 is the slowest, F is the fastest.
- Bytes A0-B8 - Octave / F-Number / Key-On
- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- | F-Number (least significant byte) | (A0-A8)
- | |
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- | Unused | Key | Octave | F-Number | (B0-B8)
- | | On | | most sig. |
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- bit 5 - Channel is voiced when set, silent when clear.
- bits 4-2 - Octave (0-7). 0 is lowest, 7 is highest.
- bits 1-0 - Most significant bits of F-number.
- In octave 4, the F-number values for the chromatic scale and their
- corresponding frequencies would be:
- F Number Frequency Note
- 16B 277.2 C#
- 181 293.7 D
- 198 311.1 D#
- 1B0 329.6 E
- 1CA 349.2 F
- 1E5 370.0 F#
- 202 392.0 G
- 220 415.3 G#
- 241 440.0 A
- 263 466.2 A#
- 287 493.9 B
- 2AE 523.3 C
- Bytes C0-C8 - Feedback / Algorithm
- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- | unused | Feedback | Alg |
- | | | |
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- bits 3-1 - Feedback strength. If all three bits are set to
- zero, no feedback is present. With values 1-7,
- operator 1 will send a portion of its output back
- into itself. 1 is the least amount of feedback,
- 7 is the most.
- bit 0 - If set to 0, operator 1 modulates operator 2. In this
- case, operator 2 is the only one producing sound.
- If set to 1, both operators produce sound directly.
- Complex sounds are more easily created if the algorithm
- is set to 0.
- Byte BD - Amplitude Modulation Depth / Vibrato Depth / Rhythm
- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- | AM | Vib | Rhy | BD | SD | TOM | Top | HH |
- | Dep | Dep | Ena | | | | Cym | |
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- bit 7 - Set: AM depth is 4.8dB
- Clear: AM depth is 1 dB
- bit 6 - Set: Vibrato depth is 14 cent
- Clear: Vibrato depth is 7 cent
- bit 5 - Set: Rhythm enabled (6 melodic voices)
- Clear: Rhythm disabled (9 melodic voices)
- bit 4 - Bass drum on/off
- bit 3 - Snare drum on/off
- bit 2 - Tom tom on/off
- bit 1 - Cymbal on/off
- bit 0 - Hi Hat on/off
- Note: KEY-ON registers for channels 06, 07, and 08 must be OFF
- in order to use the rhythm section. Other parameters
- such as attack/decay/sustain/release must also be set
- appropriately.
- Bytes E0-F5 - Waveform Select
- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- | unused | Waveform |
- | | Select |
- +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
- bits 1-0 - When bit 5 of address 01 is set, the output waveform
- will be distorted according to the waveform indicated
- by these two bits. I'll try to diagram them here,
- but this medium is fairly restrictive.
- ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _
- / \ / \ / \ / \ / | / |
- /_____\_______ /_____\_____ /_____\/_____\ /__|___/__|___
- \ /
- \___/
- 00 01 10 11
- | Detecting a Sound Card
- |
- | According to the AdLib manual, the 'official' method of checking for a
- | sound card is as follows:
- |
- | 1) Reset both timers by writing 60h to register 4.
- | 2) Enable the interrupts by writing 80h to register 4. NOTE: this
- | must be a separate step from number 1.
- | 3) Read the status register (port 388h). Store the result.
- | 4) Write FFh to register 2 (Timer 1).
- | 5) Start timer 1 by writing 21h to register 4.
- | 6) Delay for at least 80 microseconds.
- | 7) Read the status register (port 388h). Store the result.
- | 8) Reset both timers and interrupts (see steps 1 and 2).
- | 9) Test the stored results of steps 3 and 7 by ANDing them
- | with E0h. The result of step 3 should be 00h, and the
- | result of step 7 should be C0h. If both are correct, an
- | AdLib-compatible board is installed in the computer.
- |
- |
- | Making a Sound
- |
- | Many people have asked me, upon reading this document, what the proper
- | register values should be to make a simple sound. Well, here they are.
- |
- | First, clear out all of the registers by setting all of them to zero.
- | This is the quick-and-dirty method of resetting the sound card, but it
- | works. Note that if you wish to use different waveforms, you must then
- | turn on bit 5 of register 1. (This reset need be done only once, at the
- | start of the program, and optionally when the program exits, just to
- | make sure that your program doesn't leave any notes on when it exits.)
- |
- | Now, set the following registers to the indicated value:
- |
- | 20 01 Set the modulator's multiple to 1
- | 40 10 Set the modulator's level to about 40 dB
- | 60 F0 Modulator attack: quick; decay: long
- | 80 77 Modulator sustain: medium; release: medium
- | A0 98 Set voice frequency's LSB (it'll be a D#)
- | 23 01 Set the carrier's multiple to 1
- | 43 00 Set the carrier to maximum volume (about 47 dB)
- | 63 F0 Carrier attack: quick; decay: long
- | 83 77 Carrier sustain: medium; release: medium
- | B0 31 Turn the voice on; set the octave and freq MSB
- |
- | To turn the voice off, set register B0h to 11h (or, in fact, any value
- | which leaves bit 5 clear). It's generally preferable, of course, to
- | induce a delay before doing so.
- |
- |
- | Acknowledgements
- |
- | Thanks are due to the following people:
- |
- | Ezra M. Dreisbach (ed10+@andrew.cmu.edu), for providing the information
- | about the recommended port write delay from the AdLib manual, and the
- | 'official' method of detecting an AdLib-compatible sound card.
- |
- | Nathan Isaac Laredo (gt7080a@prism.gatech.edu), for providing the
- | port numbers for stereo sound on the Sound Blaster Pro.